Fresh off the success of Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2, it has been announced that James Gunn will direct the next feature for Havoc Productions. Specializing in horror films, Gunn and his bold style are a perfect fit for the production company. Gunn is known to pen the films he directs, but there is no word on whether or not he will have a hand in the writing. As details are still under wraps we can only imagine what is yet to come.
Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro. De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.
Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro. De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.
Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro. De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.
Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro. De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.
James Gunn is an American writer, producer and director. He is known for his work on Guardians of the Galaxy, Slither, Dawn of the Dead, Thirteen Ghosts and more. Gunn received a B.A. from Saint Louis University and an MFA in creative writing from Columbia University. He currently resides in California with his beloved dog and cat.
Havoc Productions is an independent film production company specializing in horror films. Started in 2012, Havoc Productions began with horror shorts. This will be their second feature length film. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.